Wednesday 5 April 2023

Meta Robots Tags

 What Are Meta Robots Tags? Meta robots tags (REP tags) are elements of an indexer directive that tell search engine spiders how to crawl and index specific pages on your website. They enable SEO professionals to target individual pages and instruct crawlers on what to follow and what not to follow. Meta Robots Tags Basics You may hide pages from indexing in several ways, including meta robots tags implementation. Here you can use the following directives: all – No limitations for indexing and content demonstration. This directive is being used by default and has no impact on the search engines’ work, unless otherwise specified. noindex – Do not show this page and the ‘Saved Copy’ link in the SERPs. nofollow – Do not allow following the on-page links. none – The same as noindex, and nofollow meta tags. noarchive – Do not show the ‘Saved Copy’ link in the SERPs. nosnippet – Do not show the extended description version of this page in the 

SERPs. BEST PRACTICES FOR SETTING UP META ROBOTS TAGS & ROBOTS.TXT 4 notranslate – Do not offer this page’s translation in the SERPs. noimageindex – Do not index the on-page images. unavailable_after: [RFC-850 date/time] – Do not show this page in the SERPs after specified date/time. Use RFC 850 format. How to Use Meta Robots Tags Meta robots tags are pretty simple to use. It does not take much time to set up meta robots tags. In four simple steps, you can take your website indexation process up a level: 

1. Access the code of a page by pressing CTRL + U. 2. Copy and paste the part of a page’s code into a separate document. 3. Provide step-by-step guidelines to developers using this document. Focus on how, where, and which meta robots tags to inject into the code. 4. Check to make sure the developer has implemented the tags correctly. To do so, I recommend using The Screaming Frog SEO Spider.

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